Glass Down Dylux Proofer
Price Includes
  1. This unit loads glass down.
  2. A bank of high output Blacklights recommended by DuPont for fast, clean, dry proofs using DuPont Dylux® Material. Eliminates the time and expense of wet proofing systems.
  3. Simultaneous instant ignition of all lamps made possible by special engineered ballasting system.
  4. Heavy Duty Automatic Reset Timer.
  5. Glass and blanket frames can be raised together to clean under side of glass or for installing bulbs.
  6. Heavy Duty Vacuum Pump and Motor.
  7. Vacuum Relief Bleeder Valve mounted on instrument panel.
  8. Heavy Duty Universal Blanket.
  9. Optic clear A-1 Select Glass.
  10. All heavy gauge steel welded construction.
  11. Vacuum Gauge, Timer, Bleeder Valve and necessary operational switches housed on convenient instrument panel.
  12. Floor type adjustable leveling screws.
  13. Unit finished in easy to clean, long wearing Epoxy Enamel.